Tuesday, December 31, 2019
English-German Glossary School
What are the German terms used for and in school? If you are going to school in a German-speaking country, you will need to become familiar with these terms. You will see the English term and the matching German one. School and Education Glossary (A to L) A A, B, C, D, F (see grades/marks below) ABCs, alphabet das ABC absence (school) das Fehlenunexcused absence unentschuldigtes Fehlen absent abwesendabsent from class/school in der Stunde/Schule fehlento be absent, missing fehlenShes absent today. Sie fehlt heute.Why were you absent? Warum hast du gefehlt? Kultur: The German Abitur (das) is a high school diploma or secondary leaving certificate (A-level), received after passing a written and oral examination during the 12th or 13th year of school (depending on the state). Die Matura is the Austrian equivalent. Also, see graduation below. academic akademisch, wissenschaftlichacademic advisor der Studienberater/die Studienberaterinacademic year das Studienjahr, das Schuljahr academically gifted/talented intellektuell begabt academy die Akademie (-n), die Privatschule administration (office) die Verwaltung after school nach der Schulebefore school vor der Schule algebra die Algebra alphabet das ABC, das Alphabetalphabetically, in alphabetical order alphabetisch, nach dem Alphabet answer (v.) antworten, beantwortenanswer (n.) die Antwort (-en)    Er hat die Frage beantwortet.He answered the question. apple der Apfel (Äpfel) art (subject) die Kunst, der Kunstunterricht ask fragenask a question eine Frage stellen assignment die Aufgabe (-n) athletic field der Sportplatz (-plà ¤tze)athletics der Sport (sing.)    Kultur: Athletics in German schools is generally limited to P.E. and intramural sports. It is rare to have school teams that compete against each other. Competitive sports tend to be done in clubs rather than in school, which is more academic. attend (school) (die Schule) besuchencompulsory attendance die Schulpflichthe has a poor attendance record er fehlt oft (in der Schule) B B.A./B.S. (see Bachelor of.. below)bachelors degree der Bakkalaureus, der BachelorBachelor of Arts der Bakkalaureus der philosophischen Fakultà ¤tBachelor of Science der Bakkalaureus der wissenschaftlichen Fakultà ¤t    Kultur: It is difficult to compare the different academic degrees in Germany with those in the Anglo-American system. An American bachelors degree is closer to the German Magisterabschluss, even though Magister translates as master. In a recent effort to become more international, some German universities now offer a B.A. degree in some fields, usually for six semesters of study. Also see the entries for a degree, M.A. and doctorate. ballpoint pen der Kuli (-s), der Kugelschreiber (-) band (music) die Blaskapelle (-n), die Band (-s) binder (loose-leaf) das Ringbuch (-bà ¼cher) biology (subject) die Bio, die Biologiebiology teacher der/die Biologielehrer/in blackboard, chalkboard die Tafel (-) boarding school das Internat (-e)book das Buch (Bà ¼cher)   textbook das Schulbuch/Lehrbuch break, recess die Pause (-n)after the break nach der Pauseshort/long break kleine/große Pausedas Pausebrot sandwich eaten during the break bus, coach der Bus (-se)school bus der Schulbus C cafeteria die Mensa (Mensen) (univ.), der Speisesaal    Kultur: Most German students go home for lunch around 12:30 or 1:00, so few schools have a cafeteria. In eastern Germany, it is more common to have a school lunch. At the university, the Mensa offers low-cost meals for students and faculty. calculator der Rechnerpocket calculator der Taschenrechnerschool calculator der Schulrechnerscientific calculator wissenschaftlicher Rechner calculus der Kalkà ¼l, die Integralrechnung chair der Stuhl (Stà ¼hle)chair (person), department head (m.) der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiterchair (person), department head (f.) die Abteilungsleiterin (-), die Fachleiterin chalk die Kreide, der Kreidestifta piece of chalk eine Kreide cheerleader der/die Cheerleader (-)    Kultur: Since interscholastic sports competition is rare in Germany, there is no need for cheerleaders. Although some American-football teams in Europe have volunteer cheerleaders, most Germans only know about cheerleading from Hollywood movies and TV. chemistry (class) die Chemie, der Chemieunterricht class (grade level) die Klasse (-n)German class Deutschunterricht, Deutschstundethe class of 2003 der Jahrgang 2003in the 10th grade/class in der 10. Klasse (zehnten)    Kultur: A German Klasse is a group of students that stay together for several years of school. Somewhat like a homeroom class, the students elect a Klassensprecher/in to represent the class. Classes have names like 9a or 10b referring to each class group within a grade level. A teacher who teaches two or more courses within a class group is the Klassenlehrer, sort of like a homeroom teacher. Note: A class of instruction is Unterricht or Unterrichtsstunde, not Klasse, but it is held in a Klassenzimmer. class register, roll book das Klassenbuch classmate der Klassenkamerad (-en) classroom das Klassenzimmer (-) clock die Uhr (-en) coach, trainer der Trainercoach (v.) trainieren college die Fachhochschule (FH) (-n), das College (Engl. pron.)College of Education pà ¤dagogische Hochschule    Kultur: The Anglo-American term college is usually Hochschule or Università ¤t in German. University departments or schools (College of Arts and Science) are called Fachbereiche or Fakultà ¤ten in German. computer der Computer (-), der Rechner (-)computer science die Informatik correct (adj.) richtigcorrect (v.) korrigierento correct tests Klassenarbeiten korrigieren course der Kurs (-e), der Unterrichthonors course der Leistungskurs (-e) D degree (univ.) der (akademische) Grad    Kultur: One should not directly compare the different academic degrees in Germany with those in the Anglo-American system. Besides the degree differences, the university systems in the U.S., Britain, and Germany are very different in other ways. department die Abteilung (-en), der Fachbereich (univ.)department chair/head (m.) der Abteilungsleiter (-), der Fachleiterdepartment chair/head (f.) die Abteilungsleiterin (-nen), die Fachleiterin desk der Schreibtisch (-e) (teacher, office)desk die Schulbank (student) dictionary das Wà ¶rterbuch (-bà ¼cher) didactic didaktisch, lehrhaft doctoral dissertation die Doktorarbeit doctorate, Ph.D, die Doktorwà ¼rde, die Doktorarbeitperson with a doctors degree der DoktorandShes still doing her doctorate. Sie sitzt immer noch an ihrer Doktorarbeit.    Kultur: Someone with a Ph.D. or Doktorwà ¼rde is entitled to be addressed as Herr Doktor orFrau Doktor. In the old days, a woman married to a Doktor was also called Frau Doktor. E education die Bildung, das Bildungswesen, die ErziehungCollege of Education pà ¤dagogische Hochschule education(al) system das Bildungssystem, das Bildungswesen educational Bildungs- (in compounds), pà ¤dagogisch, lehrreicheducational (school-related) schulisch educator der Pà ¤dagoge/die Pà ¤dagogin, der Erzieher elective (subject) das Wahlfach (-fà ¤cher)Italian is an elective subject. Italianisch ist ein Wahlfach.Math is a required subject. Mathe ist ein Pflichtfach. elementary school, grade school die Grundschule, die Volksschule (Austria) elementary teacher, grade school teacher der/die Grundschullehrer(in) e-mail die E-Mail (-s)to e-mail, send an e-mail eine Mail absenden/schicken eraser (rubber) der Radiergummi (-s)eraser (for chalk) der Schwamm (Schwà ¤mme) exam das Examen (-), die Klassenarbeit (-en)final exam das Schlussexamen (-)finals die Abschlussprà ¼fung (-en) (univ.) F faculty der Lehrkà ¶rper, das Lehrerkollegium felt-tip pen, marker der Filzstift (-e) file (paper) die Akte (-n)file (computer) die Datei (-en), das File (-s)file folder der Aktenordner (-) (paper)file folder die Mappe (-n) (loose-leaf)file folder der Ordner (computer/paper) final exam das Schlussexamen (-)finals die Abschlussprà ¼fung (-en) (univ.) folder der Ordner (-), der Hefter (-), die Mappe (-n) foreign language die Fremdsprache (-n)    Kultur: In German schools, the most popular Fremdsprachen are Englisch and Franzà ¶sisch (French). Latin, Russian, Italian and Spanish are also offered in some schools. At the Gymnasium, students usually take two foreign languages, the major one for 8 years and a minor for 5 years, which means they become quite proficient. The typical U.S. practice of taking two years of a foreign language is a joke, and less than 1/3 of American students even do that. French (class) (das) Franzà ¶sisch, der Franzà ¶sischunterricht freshman (9th grader) amer. Schà ¼ler oder Schà ¼lerin in der neunten Klasse Friday der Freitagon Friday(s) am Freitag, freitags funding, funds (for educ., etc.) die Mittel/Gelder (pl.)basic funding die Grundmittel (pl.)public funds à ¶ffentliche Mittel/Gelder (pl.)private funding (for univ. research) die Drittmittel (pl.) G geography die Erdkunde, die Geografie geometry die Geometrie German (class) (das) Deutsch, der Deutschunterricht globe der Globus, der Erdball grade, mark die Note (-n), die Zensur (-en)She has bad marks/grades. Sie hat schlechte Noten/Zensuren.She has good marks/grades. Sie hat gute Noten/Zensuren.He got an A. Er hat eine Eins bekommen.He got an F. Er hat eine Fà ¼nf/Sechs bekommen.    German grading system: A1, B2, C3, D4, F5, F-6 grade (level, class) die Klassein the 9th grade in der 9. (neunten) Klasse grade school, elementary school die Grundschule graduate (v.) das Abitur ablegen (high school), absolvieren, promovieren (Ph.D.), die Abschlussprà ¼fung bestehen (high school)graduate (n.) der Akademiker/die Akademikerinhigh school graduate der Schulabgà ¤nger/die Schulabgà ¤ngerin, der Abiturient/die Abiturientingraduate student ein Student oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem Studium    Kultur: The German university system does not have the same divisions between graduate and post-graduate study found in the U.S. There is no German word for graduate student. It has to be explained as ein Student oder eine Studentin mit abgeschlossenem Studium. gym, gymnasium die Turnhallegym (class) der Sport, der Sportunterricht gym/P.E. teacher (m.) der Sportlehrer (-)gym/P.E. teacher (f.) die Sportlehrerin (-nen) H hall(way) der Gang, der Flur health, hygiene (subj.) die Gesundheitspflege higher education die Hochschulbildung, das Hochschulwesen high school die Sekundarschule (-n)academic high school (in German Europe) das Gymnasium    Kultur: There are many kinds of German secondary schools, each with its own curriculum and purpose. A Gymnasium has an academic curriculum leading to das Abitur (die Matura in Austria, Switz.) and college. A Berufschule offers a combination of trade skill training and academics. Other school types include: Realschule, Gesamtschule and Hauptschule. high school diploma das Abitur, die Matura history die Geschichte homework die Hausaufgaben (pl.) honors course der Leistungskurs (-e)honors/deans list eine Liste der besten Schà ¼lerInnen/StundentInnenwith honors cum laude I ink die Tinte (-n) institute das Institut (-e), die Hochschule (-n) instruct, teach unterrichten instruction der Unterrichtmath class/instruction der Matheunterricht instructor der Lehrer K kindergarten der Kindergarten (-gà ¤rten) L language lab das Sprachlabor (-s) learn lernen letter (of alphabet) der Buchstabe (-n) locker das Schliessfach (-fà ¤cher)    Kultur: European schools, including Germany and Austria, dont have book lockers for students like those found in American secondary schools. loose-leaf binder das Ringbuch (-bà ¼cher)loose-leaf folder die Mappe (-n)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sleep Deprivation And Its Effects On Your Choices
Abstract of Sleep Deprivation Sleep deprivation can cause many problems in life; from social to a work surrounding and being able to function in the setting can really affect your choices. It makes decisions for you and with the person not being in the right state of mind; they would do something in a certain situation that if they were well rested and react to it in a better manner. It’s hard to concentrate when your mind drifts and your focus becomes irrelevant and your brain shuts down to the world. You’re basically running on fumes that can’t be refilled when you have duties to attend to and your sleeping order has been cut short to responsibilities or the work order has been pushed to the limit of no return in certain situations. You†¦show more content†¦I would like to look into this disease and see the true and dominating affects it carries and how it’s hard to adjust back to the pattern where you become more sane and aware to society. We take sleep for granted so much, where most of the time we would like to abandon it as much as we can in our lives to accomplish a goal or have a good time, when in the long run we damaging our most precious time that we can never make up. It should be taken as a privilege and almost and honor when we our able to close our eyes and wake up to a new day and within the hours of a day complete as much as we can so we can keep the routine going. It can be easier said than done most of the time for people and I know that I am one of them. We have to cram assignments and chores that need to be done until the last second, because most of us procrastinate in the process. When we had an assignment about this topic I was fascinated and could relate to it in many ways. Then, recently I had a family death because of sleep deprivation and I definitely knew that this would be the topic I would like to pursue and research about. I will be going over the many ways sleep deprivation can affect the body, personality, and how you can either prevent or overcome the disease. It’s a silent epidemic that seems to continue to get slept on, but that’s why I would like to bring recognition
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Women in the Family Roles Free Essays
As Anthony Brandt said, â€Å"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family†. (Brandt) Family is very important to each of us on the earth. However, it does not mean we all love our family and we are happy with it, as some people could not find love at home. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in the Family Roles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, they do not know how to love other people. Hence, family is the first place where people learn how to love others, and it can cause great impact on people’s lives. Since men and women have different kinds of personality, they take on different family roles. In my opinion, women’s role in family is more important than men’s because women put more efforts to their family, women’s way of loving their children is more easily understood by the children, hence, mothers play a more important role in raising a healthy child. First of all, most working mothers put more emphasis on their family than their career. Since around the 1970s, more women entered the workforce. Nevertheless, mothers are usually the ones taking care of the home and the children while fathers being the main breadwinner in the family. For example, If the children are sick, most of the mother will stay home to take care for the sick children rather than go to work. So, it is more likely for family matters to affect women’s work schedules than men’s. Most women think of their husbands and their children while they are at work or are busy working on other tasks. Even if mothers have their own career , family is still their priority. Secondly, It is easier for children to sense love from their mothers than their fathers. There are many single-parent families nowadays. The children are often depressed when their parents separate. In single-parent families, children who live with their mothers generally feel happier than those who live with their fathers. This is because women are more sensitive to other people’s feelings, and thus they can better take care of their children’s emotions. Moreover, a mother has to carry her offspring within her body for approximately ten months and to go through the painful experience of delivering a baby. Women love their children more than anything else because of these experiences. In contrast, fathers usually love their children by putting more efforts on their jobs to provide for their children a better material life. Finally, mothers have more influence on children’s development than fathers do. â€Å"Mothers are more likely than fathers to encourage the development of assimilative and communion-enhancing characters in their children. (Austin and Braeger, 181) Also, â€Å"mothers are more likely than fathers to acknowledge their children’s contributions in conversation. †(Leaper, Anderson, Sanders, 34) As a result, the way mothers interact with their children has more positive impact on children’s social and emotional development. Through the way mothers love their children, the children know how to love people. To sum up, women have a very important role in the family. Women care about family than anything else while men’s priority is often t heir career. Also, mothers’ love is more easily felt by the children. In addition, mothers’ contribution to children’s development is usually greater than fathers’. As an old Mexican quote says, â€Å"The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman†. Mother is often the only person who makes children feel home although children need both parents to ensure a healthy development. A family without a mother may not be as happy and may no longer be a â€Å"family†to a child. Therefore, women have a more important family role than men do. Works Cited Brandt, Anthony. http://thinkexist.com/quotation/other_things_may_change_us-but_we_start_and_end/190848.html. ThinkExist.com Quotations Online.1 Mar 2011. 14 Apr 2011. Austin, Ann M. Berghout and Braeger, T.J. â€Å"Gendered differences in parents’ encdouragement of sibling interaction:implications for the construction of a personal premise system.†First Language. October 1990 vol. 10 no. 30 181-197. Leaper, C., Anderson, K., Sanders, P. (1998). â€Å"Moderators of gender effects on parents’ talk to their children: A meta-analysis.†Developmental Psychology, 34. How to cite Women in the Family Roles, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Managing Business Case For Sustainability -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Managing Business Case For Sustainability? Answer: Introduction This study highlights on the importance of sustainability within the organization. It provides an overview about the history of Nestle and the strategy that this company should adopt for being more sustainable. Nestle is one of the worlds biggest transnational food and beverage organization as measured by revenue. This company has more than about 2000 brands that range from global icons to some local favorites and operates in 194 nations around the globe. Their products include coffee, dairy products, frozen food, cereals and other snacks. Their purpose is to enhance individuals quality of life and contribute to healthier future. Sustainability in business refers to the process by which the organization manages their social, financial and environmental risk, opportunities and compulsion (Buxel, Esenduran and Griffin 2015). Sustainability mainly facilitates the business to become highly resilient as well as productive, reduce cist and gain competitive advantage. Discussion Sustainable business practices refers to the environment friendly activities undertaken by the company that ensures all the processes, products and production activities address environmental concerns while maximizing profitability (Epstein and Buhovac 2014). There are several methods for building a sustainable company, some of which are listed below: By Creating integrated public policy- Building public policy basically on environmental problem is complex. The companies sometimes face challenges from the government for giving signals on the climate changing policy. In that case, the company should need to be create integrated public policy by setting new standards and invest in technology for becoming sustainable. Creating conditions that support innovations relating to sustainability- The companies should focus on innovations for reducing their affect on environment, reduce the use of material and improve commodities (Yakovleva, Sarkis and Sloan 2012). This will help to make positive change in society, which in turn will benefit the business. Collaborate with the value chain members- Effective collaboration is one of the vital ways of accelerating sustainability across the value chain (Schaltegger and Wagner 2017). In order to build sustainability in business, the leaders of the organization are required to collaborate with the industry peers, NGO partners, suppliers and other environmental companies for reducing adverse impact as well as potentially create new goods. Build dialogue on certain consumption- If the customers are unwilling to purchase environmentally responsible products, the movement of sustainability will stagnate. They should engage their customers in national sustainability dialogues in order to make decisions about responsible consumption as well as sustainable living. There are several benefits of sustainable company, some of which includes- It increases productivity and decreases cost- Sustainable practices within the business leads to efficient operation that protect resources, which in turn increases workers productivity and decrease cost (Kiron et al. 2012). This decreasing cost mainly encompasses strategies regarding energy conservation. Increase ability of business to comply with regulation-Sustainable company has the ability to comply with regulation enacted by government fir protecting the environment. Mitigate risk- Sustainable organization has the ability to mitigate risk of litigation that arises from social as well as other environmental issues. Reduction in usage of energy and waste- Sustainable companies have the benefit of less usage of energy and reduction in waste materials. Improves brand image- The organizations having sustainable business practices such as conservation of resources benefits them by giving them the opportunity to increase their brand image (Ameer and Othman 2012). It also helps them to gain competitive advantage against their rivalries. Attract employees as well as investors- Every individual like to be linked with positive business environment instead of having linked with social welfare scandals. Therefore, several individuals and investors gets attracted towards this type of company, which in turn benefits them to expand their business. Sustainable companies also get the advantage of building better relationship with their suppliers and government agencies. Conclusion Nestle is a sustainable company as they have created initiative with several food producers relating to sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture refers to the efficient and productive way of producing agricultural raw materials. Still they are one of the hated companies in the world owing to their sustainability issues. The first problem that this company faced is the requirement for water sanitation. There are some evidences that reflect that Nestle has been involved with several incidents relating to pollution. This company should focus on preserving water, making biodiversity conservation, reduce air management, act on climate change thereby provide leadership for climate change, reduce waste and improve environmental performance through packaging. Their social and environmental responsibility includes understanding key problems for their stakeholders, encourage innovative practices, work with government agencies and other public bodies, targeting zero waste, optimize as w ell as innovate materials, safeguard as well as improve ecosystem , improve transportation as well as distribution etc. References Ameer, R. and Othman, R., 2012. Sustainability practices and corporate financial performance: A study based on the top global corporations.Journal of Business Ethics,108(1), pp.61-79. Buxel, H., Esenduran, G. and Griffin, S., 2015. Strategic sustainability: Creating business value with life cycle analysis.Business Horizons,58(1), pp.109-122. Epstein, M.J. and Buhovac, A.R., 2014.Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Kiron, D., Kruschwitz, N., Haanaes, K. and Velken, I.V.S., 2012. Sustainability nears a tipping point.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(2), p.69. Schaltegger, S. and Wagner, M. eds., 2017.Managing the business case for sustainability: The integration of social, environmental and economic performance. Routledge. Yakovleva, N., Sarkis, J. and Sloan, T., 2012. Sustainable benchmarking of supply chains: the case of the food industry.International Journal of Production Research,50(5), pp.1297-1317.
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