Friday, January 24, 2020
Bladder Epithelium Essay -- Health, Diseases, Biopsy of the Bladder
Researchers believe that normal repair of the epithelial lining of the bladder does not occur in patients who develop IC (ARHP, 2008). One theory proposes that the bladder epithelium or lining of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) is damaged due to bladder injury and exposes the sensory nerves to irritants and triggers a noxious sensation. The damaged epithelium allows absorption of potassium and urea into the bladder wall (Klutke & Klutke, 2008). The damaged epithelium may lead to mast cell activation and the release of histamine. It is proposed that vasoactive, nociceptive, and proinflammatory molecules released from mast cells create neuronal sensitization and emit neurotransmitters that continue to stimulate the mast cells in the bladder and play an important role in the chronic and painful symptoms of IC (Sant, Kempuraj, Marchand, & Theoharides, 2006). There may be a possibility that heredity may play a part in some forms of IC. In a few cases, IC has affected a mother and a daugh ter or two sisters, but it is not usually familial (Clemens, Joyce, Wise, & Payne, 2007). Data has also shown that patients with IC have a higher incidence of certain immunological or allergic conditions. These conditions include allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, sensitive skin, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia, and migraine headaches (ARHP, 2008). Interstitial cystitis is divided into two categories: ulcerative or classic and nonulcerative or Messing-Stamey types. The classic or ulcerative type clinically presents with a diffusely reddened appearance to the bladder surface epithelium associated with one or more ulcerative patches surrounded by mucosal congestion. The ulcers are called Hunner ulcers. Hunner ulcer upon cystoscopic examination is the ... ...nage this condition the patient must maintain a relationship with her primary care provider, be diligent with tracking her symptoms and managing her diet and medications (ARHP, 2008). Differential Diagnosis The ARHP suggest that the differential diagnosis of IC include other causes of pelvic pain and urinary complaints. These include urinary tract infections, overactive bladder, gynecological chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, and bladder carcinoma. The effects of certain drugs may also cause these symptoms. These drugs include cyclophosphamide, aspirin, NSAIDs, and allopurinol (ARHP, 2008). These need to be excluded as part of the diagnostic process. Review of Literature Several research articles have been reviewed in order to identify the most recent evidence based practice techniques for diagnosing and managing patients with interstitial cystitis.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Reality of School Violence in US
On January 18, 1993, Scott Pennington, a seventeen year-old student from Kentucky, shot and killed his East Carter High School teacher Deanna McDavid and janitor Marvin Hicks, and then held his twenty-two classmates at gunpoint for about fifteen minutes. On September 15, 1995, Daniel Watson, eighteen, was charged with one count of kidnapping, two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon on school property, and fifteen counts of first degree endangerment after holding a fellow student at gunpoint at his high school. Watson had been in a fight before school, and then went home and returned with two handguns. In November of 1996, Drew Golden, 11, and Mitchell Johnson, 13, opened fire on their fellow students and teachers in Jonesboro, Arkansas, killing four students and an English teacher. Is this what should be happening in America†s schools? Should students have to be more concerned with their safety, rather than obtaining a good education? Incidences similar to the ones just described occur every year in school systems across the country. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, fifty-seven percent of public elementary and secondary school principals reported that one or more incidents of crime/violence occurred in their schools during the 1996-1997 school year. The center also reported that ten percent of all public schools experienced one or more serious violent crimes (defined as murder, rape, or other type of sexual battery, suicide, physical attack or fight with a weapon, or robbery) during the 1996-1997 school year. Physical attacks or fights led the list of reported crimes in public schools, with about 190,000 reported incidences in 1996-1997. Schools should be places where the objective is to give students the skills and knowledge to help them with their future; they should not be havens for violent acts. Something obviously needs to be done to decrease and hopefully one day eliminate violence in America†s school systems. There have been numerous proposals made to help the problem, but there still has not been a significant improvement in the problem nationwide. Several recent reports-one by the American Psychological Association and another by the National Education Association-show a dramatic increase in the incidence of school violence. It is going to take a team effort by the government, communities and the schools to help reduce violence in America†s school systems. The government has attempted to address the issue of school violence. In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed the Gun-Free School Act, mandating a one-year expulsion for students who bring weapons to school. The Act also promoted the â€Å"zero tolerance†for weapons policies of some states and school districts. Currently, the federal government and most states also make funds available for prevention activities through anti-crime and education legislation. This year, money was allotted in the federal budget for the hiring of more teachers in the schools. Although the government has put some effort into helping the schools, is it enough? The problem of violence of schools is often overlooked by the government and instead more emphasis is put on political scandals, foreign policy, and welfare. It seems unfair for the students who fear going to school each day that the government concentrates more on the private relations of the president and the status of people from other countries, than on the future of its own citizens. The government needs to grant more money for the improvement of schools, both externally and internally. This money needs to be put toward the hiring of more teachers, violence prevention programs in the schools, and improvements on the school buildings. The government also should be monitoring the schools†use of the â€Å"zero tolerance†policies, making sure that they are strictly enforced in every school across the country. The second ingredient to solving the problem of violence in schools is community initiatives. An important one is providing an assortment of out-of-school programs to students. It is important that these programs keep youth constructively engaged when their families are unavailable, and provide them with attention from caring adults and good role models. They also need to encourage teamwork, respect, and positive personal relationships. These programs keep kids away from negative influences on the street and in the media. Helping youth find employment in the community is another important way for communities to help build the self-esteem and sense of responsibility among adolescents. Having a job also helps youth appreciate how important staying in school is to their future career plans. The most important element to the solution of violence in schools is the improvement surrounding the actual schools. The first key is to reduce violence through personalization. Overcrowded schools and classes hurt both the educators†efforts to know their students and students†efforts to know one another. The result from this is often misunderstanding, frustration, and increasingly, violence. Smaller classes can enable schools to become communities in which students know and value one another as individuals. They would also allow educators to form steady caring relationships with the students most likely to start or suffer from physical and psychological violence. School violence frequently results from conflicts that are inappropriately managed and therefore intensify. Conflict resolution programs should be offered in schools to both students and educators to give them skills to effectively and constructively handle the controversies that naturally arise in learning environments. Schools should also promote the development of good character. The missing piece in violence prevention programs is character development though the skills of empathy and self-discipline,†write character education experts Diane G. Berreth and Sheldon Berman. â€Å"Without these skills, we run the risk of schools becoming locked-down and oppressive institutions built around fear rather than responsiveness. †Teachers also play an essential role in dealing with school violence. Studies have shown that children consistently admire and respect those teachers that are strict in setting high standards for behavior and academic performance, and who demonstrate a personal interest in their students. It is also important that teachers follow strict codes of conduct throughout the whole school. This code of conduct should be shared with the students, and should not be altered by the teachers. Students should never have the feeling that they might be able to get away with something, because a teacher rarely enforces the rules. It is with longing that teachers remember the days when disruptive behavior in school meant running in the halls, throwing spitballs and pulling ponytails. Today, the disruptive behavior is much more frightening. It takes the shape of brutal beatings, stabbings, and shootings. Youth violence disrupts schools and is taking its toll on students, teachers, parents, and communities. Youth violence is threatening the entire structure of public education. The issue of school violence needs to be attended to quickly. This problem cannot be solved by the efforts of one force, but rather it will take the teamwork of the government, communities, and the schools to help reduce the violence. If policies such as the ones described are not implemented, students will continue going to school in fear.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The 2008 Financial Crisis and Liquidity Issues - 666 Words
Liquidity Crisis In Liquidity Crises, Elul (2008) is talking about the most common factors that create financial meltdowns and what steps must be taken to prevent them. This is accomplished through looking at events that occurred in the summer of 2007. It is at this point that he examines how these causes were exacerbated and the best ways to address the challenges. This is providing the reader with a total understanding of the financial crisis and how the federal government should respond during these times. Together, these elements offer a total understanding the common signs of a liquidity crisis and the most effective strategies for addressing them. (Elul, 2008) In the summer of 2007 the economy was overheating. This occurred because a large number of financial institutions had underwritten and invested in subprime mortgages. These are home loans that were marketed to buyers who cannot qualify for traditional mortgages. This is from some kind of issues they are having with their credit, income o r the down payment. What made these assets so risky is the interest rate could be reset higher. This increased the chances that a wave of foreclosures could hit the markets at the same time (from owners who could not afford the payments). To make matter worse, a number of banks had invested a large percentage of depositor funds into these securities. (Addo, 2010) (Elul, 2008) Once homeowners began to default, is when the credit market froze. This is because no one knew theShow MoreRelatedWholesale Funding, Bank Runs And Liquidity Freezes1592 Words  | 7 Pages Wholesale Funding, Bank Runs and Liquidity Freezes In the 2007/8 Financial Crisis Name Course Tutor University City/State Date Wholesale Funding, Bank Runs and Liquidity Freezes In the 2007/8 Financial Crisis Introduction Banks make loans which are not quickly sold at high price. 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