College descriptive essay
Topics For An Academic Argument Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Story Of An Hour/Mother Savage Essay Example For Students
The Story Of An Hour/Mother Savage Essay In the short story of Mother Savage by Guy de Maupassant, we realize of what life resembled for a bereaved mother whose lone child heads out to war, the setting occurring in Virelogne, France during the Franco-Prussian war. Fellow de Maupassant (1850-1893) lived during this time and partook in the war himself. Through Historical, Biographical, and New Historical basic investigation of the creator, and the timeframe, we will see that the impacts of the war and how it incredibly affected this bit of writing. Officially known as Guy de (Henri Rene Albert) Maupassant, he was a French author and short-story essayist. He is considered one of the advanced bosses of the specialty of the short story and has affected professionals of that type from his opportunity to the present. (Fellow de Maupassant Encarta Encyclopedia 2001. Disc ROM. Microsoft Electronic Publishing, 2001) Maupassant didn't grow up a characteristic essayist; In truth he didn't consider an education profession until he was right around thirty years of age. Under the watchful eye of this, he considered law in Paris, yet the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, which demolished his familys fortune and constrained Maupassant to look for some kind of employment as an administration office representative, intruded on his investigations. To redirect himself from the workplace work he discovered dreary, he swam, sailed, sought after ladylike organization at in vogue places, and started to compose. His folks isolated when he was 11 years of age. Maupassant experienced childhood in his local Normandy. In 1869 Maupassant began to contemplate law in Paris, however soon, at age 20, he elected to serve in the military during Franco-Prussian War. (http://www. online-writing. com/maupassant/Literature Network) This becomes possibly the most important factor when in the content it says: When the war broke out, Mother Savages child, who was then thirty three years of age, chipped in, disregarding his mom all. Be that as it may, nobody felt frustrated about the elderly person since everyone realized she had cash. The creator himself likewise elected to battle with the French armed force. There isn't notice if his mom was bereaved, however his familys fortune was demolished by the episode of the war. Could this been what Maupassant wanted for his own family that they had cash? The Franco-Prussian War or Franco-German War, 1870-71, a contention among France and Prussia that flagged the ascent of German military force and government. (Franco-Prussian War Encarta Encyclopedia 2001. Disc ROM. Microsoft Electronic Publishing, 2001) We enter further into the story as the Prussians showed up, and they were billeted with the individuals of the zone, as per their riches and assets of every family. Since Mother Savage was known to have cash she would be doled out four Prussian fighters to come into her home. These warriors would assist around the house, and could be seen tidying up the kitchen, washing dishes, cleaving wood, stripping potatoes, washing cloth to put it plainly, doing all the errands like four great young men working for their own mom. (Fiction A Pocket Anthology R. S. Gwyn Page 65 section 3) These troopers gave off an impression of resembling second children to Mother Savage, doing what her child would do in the event that he were there. The creator embeds an intriguing idea She preferred them all around ok, as well, those four foes of hers; for nation individuals don't feel enthusiastic disdain those emotions are held for the high societies. (Fiction A Pocket Anthology R. S. Gwyn page 66 section 1) She preferred the four warriors as children of her own too, yet she saw them likewise as the foe. It wasnt until she got data of her children demise that her conduct changed drastically. From the outset it portrays her as being overpowered by the news. No genuine feeling from the outset, as though she is letting reality set in, and afterward her feelings dominate and she starts to cry as she attempts to imagine her children passing She at that point hears the voices of the four Prussian officers coming and she rapidly conceals the letter in her pocket and met them serenely. As she was planning supper, the troopers had the option to bring back a hare so they could have something great to have for supper. At the point when it came time to kill the hare for supper she didn't have the heart to do it; this was not the main bunny she has ever needed to kill. One of the warriors hit the bunny over the head and she continued to set up the hare for supper and the sight and warmth of the blood made her consider her child who had recently been slaughtered fighting by the Prussians. After supper she asks the fighters that following an entire month of being together she didnt even know their names. They comprehended, with some trouble what she needed and gave her their names; she demanded they record it on a bit of paper alongside their addresses of their families. at that point she collapsed up the paper and put it into her pocket, close exactly which had informed her concerning the passing of her child. (Fiction A Pocket Anthology R. S. Gwyn page 67 passage 6) Pur carum EssayShe was brought up in a culture where numerous individuals were clutching society and qualities the manner in which they were, but then numerous others were feeling there was requirement for change, that change being the Womens Rights Movement. It is obscure how Kates mother, grandma, and incredible grandma felt about this battle for womens rights, however one can expect that being the resilient ladies they were, in all likelihood they had solid convictions in womens rights also. They had, all things considered, as of now been bereft and had been the man and the lady in the house for a considerable length of time. The OFlaherty ladies had solid spirits and they realized how to deal with themselves. Securely stated, Kate Chopin wanted to be her own lady. She would make her own guidelines. Having been raised and moved on from an extremely renowned Catholic school, Kate was shown severe qualities and rules. She doesnt appear to utilize those qualities when carrying on with her life, as one would see by her numerous issues after her spouses demise, one with a wedded man. Kate has all the earmarks of being a lady loaded up with enthusiasm and wants; she followed what she needed and she said what she thought, in any event, when it was shocking. Kate doesn't limit herself to a specific method of acting, living, or composing, as is found in the substance of her accounts and books. In a period that it was not adequate for ladies to take a stand in opposition to sexuality and freedom, Kate shouts it in her composition. Her accounts welcomed on numerous contentions and was not broadly valued or acknowledged until numerous years after Kates demise. Kate Chopin deserts an inheritance, however. Alongside numerous exceptionally mainstream stories, her unsuitable written works have now been distributed and are viewed as magnum opuses. Chopin composed of a period later on where ladies had the opportunity to compose what they felt, however she did it in when it was unsuitable. Through her composition, Kate recounted to an account of womens rights in their own. She took on this conflict alone and it was Kate Chopins strength and fearlessness, which forgot about her to remain among all others. Mrs. Mallard is known toward the start of the story to have a heart condition. What sort of a heart condition, we don't have a clue. As Mrs. Mallard learns of her spouses demise She didn't hear the story the same number of ladies have heard the equivalent, with a deadened powerlessness to acknowledge its hugeness. (Fiction A Pocket Anthology R. S. Gwyn page 71 passage 2) She is showing that she isn't sorry and that the organization of marriage was even more a jail to her than all else. She at that point requests to be disregarded as she goes to her room, and this is the place the contemplations begin beating in her brain regarding what she will do next with a figurative chain that has now been loosed from her. Since she was a widow, she had the economic wellbeing that was adequate by society. There would be no amazing will bowing her in that visually impaired tirelessness with which people accept they reserve a privilege to force a private will upon a kindred animal. (Fiction A Pocket Anthology R. S. Gwyn page 72 section 4) In 1855 on November 1, being one of the originators of the Pacific Railroad, her dad was on board the train on its debut venture over the Gasconade Bridge, which crumbled, murdering huge numbers of its travelers. After just two months into her term at Sacred Heart, Kate got back home and was to be taught by her extraordinary grandma. Eliza Faris OFlaherty, Kates mother, was an individual from the conspicuous French-Creole people group and an individual from a restrictive group of friends. Eliza was just 27 years of age when she knew about her 50-year-old spouses demise. She may have been discouraged, yet freed by the news, or so Kate Chopins Story of an Hour recommends: a spouse, knowing about her husbands passing in a train mishap, gets a kick out of considerations of opportunity. As should be obvious by this family catastrophe, Kate Chopin composed this story as a statement of how she felt about ladies and womens rights. She was likewise sharing what her grandma felt as she lost her better half in a railroad debacle. Could this be a re-production of her grandmas circumstance? It us obscure to us whether Kates grandma had a heart condition or not, or how she kicked the bucket, yet Mrs. Mallard was overpowered indeed at the information on her spouses condition of being alive that she kicked the bucket of coronary illness of delight that executes. By and by we can see that accounts from people groups lives impact what we compose. This was apparent in the life of Kate Chopin. She was known as A Woman Ahead of Her Time-in that she ventured out of the conventional job of a lady of her time, and made it known the sentiments of ladies anyway disputable it might be, she made it known to all.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spam Should be Ended Essay Example
Spam Should be Ended Essay Everyone who has ever run over with Internet and email, has had involvement with a mind boggling world which is unique in relation to the one we live in. The Internet world is the like a library of the world, and the impression of being required into it tends to be contrasted just and bouncing into the sea which is loaded up with a wide range of books, magazines and different wellsprings of data. Much the same as you get stunned when looking under the water close to the coral reefs without precedent for a veil and snorkel and seeing the excellence of submerged world just because, you get similarly flabbergasted while encountering the world for Internet. Be that as it may, similarly as the water gets muddled once in a while and you can't consider everything to be clear as you could previously, the Internet world loses a lot of its appeal because of spam. We ramble about contamination of water and all the negative results of it since it keeps us from utilizing the water assets as produ ctively as we would have the option to, and from getting a charge out of the excellence of the world underneath. Be that as it may, contamination of Internet is maybe similarly as enormous an issue since it keeps us from learning the fundamental data. Everyone who has utilized Internet and email realizes how irritating it on occasion gets when you get popup messages constantly revealing to you various things about the items various organizations offer. When this spam gets into your way, you can't continue working with as much profitability as you used to work. Eventually, you may be even unfit to complete your work since spam makes you insane. At the point when you need to glance through an enormous number of messages and find what is helpful for you, you get in stun when seeing that consistently email is spam, and you may even miss the significant data since you probably won't notice it among the spam messages. Spam is contamination of Internet, it’s like a weed which keeps delightful blossoms from developing. While Internet is a particular universe of its sort, its contamination is one of the serious issues. Its destiny later on is under the danger of spam, in this way it’s significant these days to end spam before it closes the entryways into the Internet world. It requires the two endeavors of clients and of government. Similarly as government is securing the economy against externalities by putting explicit assessments of organizations which contaminate air and air or by embracing explicit guidelines, it needs to take sp am issue similarly as genuine as the issue of contamination of condition. In any case, only the endeavors of government are insufficient in such a case, accordingly joint endeavors of clients need to utilized in such a case too. We will compose a custom exposition test on Spam Should be Ended explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Spam Should be Ended explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Spam Should be Ended explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer What is spam when all is said in done? For what reason is there so much mischief brought about by it? As indicated by the definition given by the spam master Brad Templeton, spam represents â€Å"performing a mass mailing to a gathering of individuals to whom you are an outsider, and who didn't demand the mailing. The primary key component is mass. The meaning of an outsider can be very free and still work. Someone is certainly not an outsider if youve had a type of collaboration with them personally.†[1] Spam is like getting ad when you are not inviting that by any stretch of the imagination. Everyone realizes how irritating it gets when someone in the road is attempting to make you get some item through direct selling. In any case, you can maintain a strategic distance from that since you probably won't stop to converse with the vender. With spam, its absolutely impossible for you to keep your security since you are compelled to glance through the data you are getting. In sp ite of the way that numerous individuals are experiencing spam, the measures which have been taken to forestall it have been generally futile during the ongoing years. So as to accomplish greatest outcomes, Brad Templeton proposes the accompanying proposals: vâ Encourage utilization of existing laws-hand-off maltreatment, extortion, forswearing of administration assault, pantomime, and so on. vâ Continue to dishearten every single real organization from sending Spam. vâ Use unique, more sifted addresses openly, yet dont utilize counterfeit tends to that simply make things harder for other people. vâ Encourage ISP terms of administration provisos, square open SMTP for preliminary records or clients not marking hostile to Spam statements. vâ Secretary white rundown programs or different projects that redirect plausible Spam into lower need lines. vâ Development of labeling frameworks to permit clients to precisely channel their mail.[2] Be that as it may, the issue of spam-security should be tackled on the mechanical level generally. Without embracing productive enemy of spam frameworks, there would be no real way to win the fight with spam. Because of the imperativeness of the issue and the need to discover arrangement at the earliest opportunity, numerous masters have chipped away at this inquiry. For instance, Brad Templeton has introduced an enemy of spam framework in which correspondence would contain a sort of an imprint. On account of the receiver’s choice that the email which he got was spam, he had the option to acquire cash as pay from the organization. In the event of this framework execution, there would be no sense for spammers to continue sending spam messages to clients of Internet. As Brad Templeton marks, with the reception of this framework, â€Å"challenges would be once in a while sent, just on opening of correspondence and first membership to a mailing list. Clients with new mail custome rs would be unconscious of the framework. Inasmuch as new membership challenges have low volume, CPU expenses would be reasonable. Obviously, spammers would not have the option to spam without purchasing supercomputer bunches. Should they do this the test trouble can without much of a stretch be supported. Unknown mail would be secured and sensibly simple, however would require new mailing software.†[3] One of the accompanying repulsions of spam which make it a much increasingly perilous weed of Internet is that it can acquaint kids with porno destinations and basically give them wrong thoughts regarding sex. There are numerous dubious assessments on this inquiry. A few people imagine that spam doesn’t affect the acquaintance of porno destinations with kids while others consider its impact extremely hazardous. To the extent my own experience appears, spam popups managing porno locales assault us the entire time as we are in Internet. There are numerous connections on them in spam messages which are being gotten each day. When you are glancing through some helpful site, very soon you wind up being offered to glance through grown-up recordings or different things like that. The same number of others, I’ve been an observer of circumstances in which kids who wanted to investigate any porno stuff had to do that since they were accepting spam messages with substance which co uld be extremely negative for their insight into the world. In any case, a few people feel that the impact of porno spam on kids in negligible, and they can show signs of improvement thought of sex and get manhandled, in actuality. For instance, as Lauren J. Magid states, â€Å"†¦most of what I and others have composed arrangements with shielding kids from sexual stalkers and with helping guardians steer childrens Web surfing so they dont end up taking a gander at pictures of exposed or disfigured bodies Despite the repulsiveness stories proclaimed by Jenny Jones and other TV syndicated programs, the real number of kids defrauded by sexual stalkers is very low. Im unmistakably progressively stressed over the Nets potential business sway on children.†[4] However, as I would see it, it’s difficult to think about porno spam’s negative effect on kids nearly nothing. Obviously, business spam affects them since it powers children to approach guardians to purchase more things for them which they learned out through publiciz ing. In any case, the impact of spam messages which give porno connects to kids is considerably more hazardous. Indeed, even those children who might some way or another never go to such locales, get temped to perceive what those destinations offer, and their virtues much change especially in the aftereffect of that.â One of the common accounts of guardians seeing their children getting such messages is the accompanying: â€Å"Some of the messages that discover their way into my children letter drop say grown-ups just in the title, yet that is not really going to prevent an inquisitive kid from perusing. My child as of late got an email message with the subject, I Need Your Vote! I urge my children to look into legislative issues, so I was enchanted that he opened it. Be that as it may, the message from Horny Harry read, Ive set up an extraordinary rundown of free Adults Only* locales at, however now I NEED YOUR HELP to get a greater amount of the best FREE Spo rts, News and Finance sites.†[5] Unfortunately, at present it is highly unlikely for guardians to shield the child from the negative impact of Internet spam. Hence, they limit the kids’ utilization of Internet so as to limit the spam impact. This progression isn't exceptionally insightful in light of the fact that children can gain so much from Internet, and so as to advance this learning, it’s important to present new procedures of battling with spam. One of the significant advancements among against spam programs which could shield kids from the porno spam just as different sorts of spam is I Hate Spam program which was made by Sunbelt Software. The program is extremely useful and as per its makers, â€Å"The I Hate Spam programming program used to run solely on Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, anyway the most recent form presently additionally works with Hotmail and the Eudora email customer software.†[6] Another negative impact of spam which should be dispensed with in the closest future is political spam. So as to get more individuals to vot
Friday, July 17, 2020
Dealing with Anxiety While in School
Dealing with Anxiety While in School Dealing with Anxiety While in School Dealing with Anxiety While in School Going back to school or entering a new education program can be exciting and anxiety provoking. The pressure of taking classes and managing to complete required coursework can take a toll on students’ mental wellness. Coping with anxiety at university is a common experience. According to Statistics Canada, people aged 15 to 24 are most likely to experience anxiety disorders. If you are experiencing anxiety throughout the school year, know that you are not alone. While anxiety is a natural reaction to stress, for some it can be a serious struggle with mental health. Michael Van Ameringen, a professor in the department of psychiatry at McMaster University, is cited as saying that university students are at the peak age for developing mental health issues if they have the predisposition. Students’ age combined with the stresses of school can create the perfect storm for the onset of mental health challenges. It is important to address stress and anxiety as they can exacerbate and become bigger problems over the long-term. Experts suggest accessing on-campus support from the school counsellor. Counselling can offer strategies for managing stress and anxiety. Professionals also note that it is important not to isolate yourself. Draw on family, friend, and community supports to validate your experience of anxiety and stress. Spending time with peers can help you feel less alone. Procrastination can be a factor that causes undue stress and anxiety. Attempt to evade procrastination and avoid deadlines building up. Procrastination is often a difficult habit to change though, so if you find yourself strapped for time and feeling the pressure, services such as those offered by Homework Help Canada can offer support. Using resources like essay outlines or editing services as offered by Homework Help Canada can help you save time and assist you to stress less! Anxiety can be a serious mental health issue for some people. Without the proper support and acknowledgement of the problem it can worsen over time and lead to burnout. Accessing the proper supports such as student counsellors, peer connections, and academic writing services offered by organizations such as Homework Help Canada can assist you in addressing the issue and having a successful school career. References: Belluz, J. (2010, November 18). High anxiety Retrieved August 31, 2015. Nabi, Z. (2013, September 4). Coping with Anxiety at University. Retrieved August 31, 2015. coping-anxiety-university Dealing with Anxiety While in School Dealing with Anxiety While in School Dealing with Anxiety While in School Going back to school or entering a new education program can be exciting and anxiety provoking. The pressure of taking classes and managing to complete required coursework can take a toll on students’ mental wellness. Coping with anxiety at university is a common experience. According to Statistics Canada, people aged 15 to 24 are most likely to experience anxiety disorders. If you are experiencing anxiety throughout the school year, know that you are not alone. While anxiety is a natural reaction to stress, for some it can be a serious struggle with mental health. Michael Van Ameringen, a professor in the department of psychiatry at McMaster University, is cited as saying that university students are at the peak age for developing mental health issues if they have the predisposition. Students’ age combined with the stresses of school can create the perfect storm for the onset of mental health challenges. It is important to address stress and anxiety as they can exacerbate and become bigger problems over the long-term. Experts suggest accessing on-campus support from the school counsellor. Counselling can offer strategies for managing stress and anxiety. Professionals also note that it is important not to isolate yourself. Draw on family, friend, and community supports to validate your experience of anxiety and stress. Spending time with peers can help you feel less alone. Procrastination can be a factor that causes undue stress and anxiety. Attempt to evade procrastination and avoid deadlines building up. Procrastination is often a difficult habit to change though, so if you find yourself strapped for time and feeling the pressure, services such as those offered by Homework Help USA can offer support. Using resources like essay outlines or editing services as offered by Homework Help USA can help you save time and assist you to stress less! Anxiety can be a serious mental health issue for some people. Without the proper support and acknowledgement of the problem it can worsen over time and lead to burnout. Accessing the proper supports such as student counsellors, peer connections, and academic writing services offered by organizations such as Homework Help USA can assist you in addressing the issue and having a successful school career. References: Belluz, J. (2010, November 18). High anxiety Retrieved August 31, 2015. Nabi, Z. (2013, September 4). Coping with Anxiety at University. Retrieved August 31, 2015. coping-anxiety-university
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How Computer Technology Changed Individuals Lifestyles...
The contemporary society is becoming increasingly computerized. The fundamental cause is computer technology is conceived globally to have brought conveniences to individuals’ lifestyle, including at work places and social life. Computer technology is the creation and development of computers to aid individuals in daily life and at work. Examples of computer technology include Internet and social media applications. So has computer technology changed individual’s lifestyles for the better? It is necessary to consider some arguments on this issue. Supportive arguments include computer technology enables users to easily access useful digital information, offers potential future applications and promote social networking and communication. The argument against include it could lead to the spread of inaccurate information, and might result in possible addiction and other negative effects on mental health and possible pollution and invasion of privacy in the future. The first argument to be examined is computer technology such as the Internet brought convenience by allowing ready access of digital information. With current computer technology, information can be gathered instantaneously and utilized. As the assorted information available online can be found in an instant, digital information may provide benefits in business occasions and everyday occasions. With the help of computer technology, businesses will have more details of their customers such as their identity, theirShow MoreRelatedImpacts of Technology Dependency on the Academic Performance of Usls Students1490 Words  | 6 PagesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of Gods gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. - Freeman Dyson Technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. It has certainly changed the way we live in different aspects of life and redefined living. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Speech Given By Simon Sinek - 1489 Words
Recently, there has been debates on the topics of millennials and technology. When it comes to these topics, one side says that it is making the younger generation addicted to them or that millennials are lazy, entitled, and narcissistic. In the other side, we have others saying that technology has helped become more advanced or that millennials are, in fact, beneficial to society as they changed the workplace and such. In a speech given by Simon Sinek, titled â€Å"Millennials in the Workplace,†he argues that due to how millennials were brought up, it affected their way of responding to challenges in their lives, such as stressors, and how they functioned in the workplace. My own view is that due to the way millennials were raised and the†¦show more content†¦Another point Sinek (2016) mentions is about how technology is a source of dopamine for these millennials, backing up his reasoning with a study done by Harvard research scientist. He states, â€Å"†¦an e ntire generation now has access to an addictive, numbing chemical called dopamine, through cell phones and social media, while they are going through the high stress of adolescence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (2017, 4:31). In other words, due to devices being sources of dopamine, it is easy to become addicted to them as dopamine is the same chemical that released when smoking or drinking. As Sinek (2016) also said, â€Å"what’s happening is because we’re out allowing unfettered access to the dopamine producing devices and media. Basically, it’s becoming hardwired and what we’re seeing is, as they grow older, too many kids don’t know how to form deep, meaningful relationships. Their words, not mine,†(5:33). The essence of Sinek’s point is that, as he would hear others say, due to growing up with unrestricted access to devices and social media, kids do not know how to form true friendships and deep relationships with others. They end up not having r elationships or friendships where they can rely on the support of their partner or friend, as Sinek (2016) addresses. Due to using technology as a way to cope with stress, the relationship people have with others aroundShow MoreRelatedMillennials And Technology1194 Words  | 5 Pageschanged the workplace and such. In a speech given by Simon Sinek, titled â€Å"Millennials in the Workplace,†he argues that due to how millennials were brought up, it affected their way of responding to challenges in their lives, such as stressors, and how they functioned in the workplace. My own view is that due to the way millennials were raised and the environment we have around us, it truly affects how we work and function in the real world. In his speech, Simon Sinek (2016) addresses four pieces thatRead MoreSimon Sinek Speech1560 Words  | 7 PagesIn Simon Sinek speech â€Å"Millennials in the workplace interview†Simon humorously explains using past and personal experiences that millennials are a great and fantastic generation. They have become an addictive generation because of bad parenting, technology, impatience, and the environment and the only way to change this generation is if they are given help to balance physical and social lives. I would agree with this because I too suffer from an unbalanced physical and social life. At the startRead MoreSimon Sinek - How Great Leaders Inspire Action3157 Words  | 13 PagesSIMON SINEK – How Great Leaders Inspire Action How do you explain when things don t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions? For example: Why is Apple so innovative? Year after year, after year, after year, they re more innovative than all their competition. And yet, they re just a computer company. They re just like everyone else. They have the same access to the same talent, the same agencies, the same
The Benefits of Study Abroad Free Essays
Part 1 Grammar 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 b 11 c 12 c 13 b 14 b 15 c 16 a 17 b 18 a 19 b 20 a 21 c 22 a 23 b 24 a 25 b 26 b 27 a 28 a 29 b 30 c Part 2 Writing As I have been studying in China for almost 4 years, and my professors always recommend me to make a further study abroad, I finally have made up my mind to get a master degree in Australia. It is not only because I have been told that the education system in Australia is quite different from the one in China, but also there has a strong academic reputation in the field of Business. Speaking of Melbourne Institute of Technology(MIT) and University of Ballarat(UB), I have heard that the campuses locate at the downtown of the two biggest cities in Australia which are Melbourne and Sydney. We will write a custom essay sample on The Benefits of Study Abroad or any similar topic only for you Order Now Besides, some courses are accredited by professional bodies such as the CPA Australia, which will give me professional development opportunities. Furthermore, as I know, the class sizes are smaller than traditional universities that will encourage me to participate and develop confidence. I am certain that I will try my best there and achieve my maximum potential. When I come back to China after studying, I will be more competitive and definitely make a major contribution to my future career. In a word, the two-year master study in Australia will not only offer me an opportunity to improve myself in every aspect with professors and fellow students from many other countries but also obtain social skills and international insight in my major as well. Part 3 Reading 1. There are a lot of common causes of stress. One of the most common causes is work. Another one is school for those who have not entered the working world yet. Also simple family life can be one common cause of stress. 2. The combined stress of both work itself and the possibility of losing it creates a sort of double-stress, which means that not only do people worry about their daily tasks and routine pressures of work, but also they feel they have to work even harder in order to keep their jobs. 3. School can be a great source of stress for those who have not entered the working world yet. Because of the constant pressure of schoolwork, friends, teachers, tests, quizzes, papers and everything else, anyone can feel like they are trapped in a vice. Furthermore, the deadlines are all immoveable, so the students are constantly under time pressure. And the deadlines overlapping makes matters worse. 4. The deadlines are immoveable, so students are constantly under time pressure. To make matters worse, there are often several deadlines overlapping each other, intensifying the demands on time. 5. Once final exams arrive, there is a lot to re-learn and students need to spend so much time studying that they can barely sleep. 6. For parents, stress can often come from simply worrying about their children. After all, seeing a child grow up, make mistakes, go through school, go to college, play sports and often learn things the hard way is enough to make a parent go bald. 7. Actually parents can often be the cause of stress as much as sources of comfort from it. Though they often have their children’s best interests in mind, they can also put a lot of pressure on their children. 8. Spouses often spend a lot of time avoiding certain arguments simply because they are trying to avoid stress. However, leaving tension in the air while not resolving it can be a cause of stress. So it should be good to resolve conflicts immediately. 9. Although money keeps going out, not enough of it seems to come in and stress just keeps mounting. There never seems to be enough for the mortgage or rent, car payments, credit cards and other bills. Furthermore, it is rather difficult to be philosophical about money stress since attempting to put things into perspective only recalls thoughts about the money that always seems to be missing. 10. The best place to start is by managing the stress, then working to solve the problems with a clear and uncluttered mind. How to cite The Benefits of Study Abroad, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Strategic Management Research Proposal Essay Example
Strategic Management Research Proposal Essay Strategic management is the highest level of management activity that is aimed at specifying the objectives of organization and development of planes and policies leading to the achievement of these objectives. Usually this management is performed by Chief Executive Officer. The process of determination of the objectives should include the evaluation of the company’s recourses, environmental circumstances, core objectives, etc. It also should be appropriate to the business environment the organization has to face. Good strategy should integrate policies, goals and actions that should be taken (tactics) into the integral structure. However, it should also contain vision since excellent strategic management solely is unable to provide perfect results. Strategic management is in fact the combination of strategy formulation and its implementation. However, the strategy should correspond to the purpose. Strategy formulation involves fallowing: We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management Research Proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management Research Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management Research Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Micro-environmental and macro-environmental, internal andexternal situation analysis; Setting the objectives according to this assessment,including long term view, mission statement (the role of the organization in the society), financial and strategic business objectives, tactical objectives; As the result the objective analysis should suggest a strategic plan that provides the stapes how to achieve those objectives; In other word the three step analysis is aimed at determining the current situation of the company, determining where the company what to see itself and determining the way how to get there. These steps are the essence of strategic planning. Implementation of the strategy involves: Recourses allocation (technology, time, personal, finance); Establishing a chain of command or some alternative structure (such as cross functional teams) Assigning responsibility of specific tasks or processes to specific individuals or groups It also involves managing the process. This includes monitoring results, comparing to benchmarks and best practices, evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of the process, controlling for variances, and making adjustments to the process as necessary. When implementing specific programs, this involves acquiring the requisite resources, developing the process, training, process testing, documentation, and integration with (and/or conversion from) legacy processes. (Strategic management) Strategy formulation and strategy implementation are both equally important for achieving necessary results. NOTE! This is a free sample research proposal on Strategic Management. If you want a custom written research proposal on any related topic, please visit the following website and order it online: .
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